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Parents and families are an important part of the Andrew College community, and we want to provide you the resources you need to support your student.  We are dedicated to helping families understand and support their student’s Andrew College experience. Below you’ll find a list of resources that will be useful to you and your student.   You will also see the contact information for our Dean and Assistant Dean of Student Affairs.  Please contact us with any questions.  We are excited to have you join our Andrew College Family!  #AndrewMeansExcellence

Academics Side Image


Actor, director, and comedian Woody Allen once said that “80% of life is just showing up.”

In fact, students at Andrew may be administratively withdrawn, according to the  attendance/participation policy in the class syllabus, from a course for non-attendance/participation. That means no credit and no refund. A staff member will attempt to follow up with the student.

Students who attend class regularly, on average, experience less stress and have higher grade point averages. If a student is not attending class, they are missing out on important information provided by that professor as well as important ideas and points brought up by their fellow students.

Sometimes, class absences are unavoidable due to things like illness or travel for athletics. In these cases, it is important that students let the professor know that they will not be in class. Students must do their part and communicate and cooperate with their professors.

Advising & Registration

Each Andrew College student must meet with a faculty advisor each semester in order to register for classes.

Each concentration has a specific curriculum plan that can be found in the college catalog.

QUESTION-What if my student doesn’t know their intended major?

Answer-It’s okay for students not to know their specific major.  We recommend that they declare something soon, even if it is very broad like Liberal Arts.  This will allow them to be moving toward a specific degree rather than just taking courses.


College courses tend to be more challenging than high school courses.  If your student had block scheduling in high school, they are familiar with the notion of taking a full course within one semester.  However, because students normally do not go to the same class 5 days a week (most classes meet either 2 or 3 days a week), it is expected that they do more work outside of class.  The rule of thumb you will sometimes hear is to play for 3 hours of study time for each hour of class time.

Unlike high school classes where students normally receive a lot of grades, many college classes offer only a small number of grading opportunities.  Unfortunately, students sometimes struggle with this flexibility and independence.  Just because they don’t have a test that week in a class does not mean that they can ignore that class for the week or not go to class. Encourage your student to attend classes and keep up with their work.

Unlike high school, students have more flexibility in scheduling their classes.  Course registration is done with their faculty advisor.  Some students elect over the course of the term to drop or withdraw from a class.  Here are some important terms and pieces of information to keep in mind:

Add/Drop period (generally the first week of the term)
Students dropping a class during this time will not have it recorded on their transcript
No academic penalty during drop/add
Academically, it’s as if they never enrolled in the course

Withdrawal (after the first week of classes)

  • Withdrawing prior to midterm, no academic penalty ensues – grade recorded as “W”
  • Withdrawing after midterm, the student receives “WP” if passing the class
  • Withdrawing after midterm, the student receives “WF” if failing the class
  • Students may be administratively withdrawn according to class syllabus policy due to non-attendance/participation
  • A “WF” factors into a student’s GPA as an “F”
    Academically, the course and appropriate designation (“W”, “WP”, “WF”) are recorded on the student’s
    Depending upon the situation and portion of the semester, withdrawing from a class may affect a student’s financial aid and the student may still be liable for the cost of the course.


Books and where to get them

Normally, a faculty member will put required and suggested materials on their syllabus, which you should receive the first day of class.  Prior to that day, you can go to the “TEXTBOOOK INFO” link at the bottom of the Andrew College homepage.  You may elect to use the ISBN number to order from an independent book retailer like Barnes and Noble or Chegg.  If you wait too long to get your textbooks or access codes to online materials, you can fall behind quickly.

“Required” means that it is essential that you have these materials for the class.  “Suggested” or “recommended” means that it would be beneficial for you to have these materials, but not absolutely essential.

Paying for Books

Students are responsible for the cost of books and materials.  They are NOT included as a part of tuition.



Americans with Disability Act-ADA

Students seeking academic accommodations should contact the Office of Disability Services.  Please remember that just because your student may have had an IEP or Section 504 plan in high school does not automatically mean that they will be eligible to receive accommodations at the college level.  Though an IEP or Section 504 plan may be used to decide appropriate services, it is not sufficient documentation to receive accommodations.
The qualification process for accommodations at the college level requires current testing (within the last 3 years) and documentation of the learning disability.  This information should be sent to our Office of Disability Services coordinator at  For more information on the Office of Disability Services, please go to the Academic Support page of the Andrew College website and scroll toward the bottom of the page.


The Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is legislation that protects the privacy of students’ educational records.  What this means is that students own their educational records, and the college cannot share them with anyone (including family/parents) without the student’s permission.  The excuse they used in high school, “You’ll have to ask my Mom about that,” no longer works.  If there is an issue, the college will contact students through their Andrew College e-mail address, so it is important that students check their e-mail regularly.

It is important that if an office on campus asks the student to do something, it is handled quickly.  If they don’t, it could cost them in a number of ways, including financially.  Some people adopt the philosophy that if you just don’t respond, the issue will go away.  It will not!

If students wish to allow a member of their family/parent (or anyone else for that matter) access to all or parts of your educational records (which include information pertaining to grades, conduct, financial aid, tuition balances, etc.), they need to complete the FERPA form and return it to either the admission office or the registrar’s office.  However, even if they fill out the form, the STUDENT is still the primary person the college will correspond with regarding their educational records.

Click here to complete the FERPA FORM

Honors Program

The Honors Program at Andrew College provides opportunities for students to develop their academic and leadership potential, and to serve the college and community. 

  • Honors courses (and Honors course sections) across the Andrew College curriculum
  • Membership in a learning community through Phi Theta Kappa and other campus organizations devoted to academic excellence and service
  • The chance to attend and present at undergraduate academic conferences
  • Special trips and activities for Honors students
  • An opportunity to enhance transfer admission and scholarship opportunities to a top university by completing the Honors Program curriculum and receiving a letter of recommendation from the president of the college.

Initial Eligibility Criteria

  • The criteria for the Honors Program has been updated recently and honors course sections are now open to all students!
  • If you are interested in taking Honors courses, please discuss this with your advisor when you register.

Click the link below for more information about our Honors Program.

Honors Program

On-Campus Tutoring

Free peer and professional tutoring are both available through the Academic Success Center (ASC) and the Interdisciplinary Writing and Reading Center (IWRC).  The ASC and IWRC also host a number of sessions throughout the academic year designed to aid students in achieving academic success.   Both the ASC and IWRC are located in the Pitts Library building.

Online Tutoring

In addition to the ASC and the IWRC, Andrew College also offers 24/7 online tutoring through a program called Upswing.  With Upswing, students can schedule an appointment to meet with a tutor online in a variety of subjects, anytime.

Andrew College Image of Old Main

Campus Life

Campus life is what you make of it, whether it’s a campus in a large city or small town.  Our Office of Student Affairs offers a variety of programs and events throughout the school year.  Students are encouraged to take an active part in the Student Government Association, which assists in planning many of these events.  These may include movie nights, intramural sports, special events, and off-campus trips to places like Eufaula, Albany, Columbus, and even Atlanta for shopping and entertainment opportunities.

The Turner Dining Hall provides 19 meals a week for students: 3 meals a day during the week, and brunch and supper on the weekends.  Our food service provider, Sage, provides a variety of options for student meals, including a hot food option, pizza, sandwiches, and salads.  Sage also works with students who have special dietary restrictions.

If your student needs assistance from law enforcement, they are encouraged to contact Synergy Campus Security at 229-732-5919.  Their office is located on the bottom floor of Old Main.  Students who have an emergency should contact the Cuthbert Police Department by calling 911.

Synergy Daily Hours of Operations
5:00 p.m. – 5:00 a.m.
(229) 732-5919

Andrew College is affiliated with the United Methodist Church.  Andrew currently offers several religious organizations for students who choose to participate, including Wesley Fellowship and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.  Our chaplain is also the minister at Cuthbert United Methodist Church and is available for pastoral counseling.  Find out more at the Office of Religious Life.
Campus Safety

Overall both Andrew College and Cuthbert are safe places.  However, just like anywhere else, crimes can occur.  Follow these basic safety tips to help keep you and your property safe:

      • Don’t leave doors propped open
      • Don’t leave valuables in plain sight in your room or your vehicle
      • Lock your vehicle when you leave it
      • Don’t leave your room unlocked
      • Don’t let people you don’t know into the residence halls
      • If you are walking off campus at night, try to walk in groups
      • If you see someone suspicious on campus, report them to the Synergy Campus Security at 229-732-5919
    • Synergy Campus Security
        • campus security is provided by Synergy Campus Security

        • state-certified officers

        • campus patrolled hours 5 pm-5 am.

        • Office located on the bottom floor of Old Main

        • Student Affairs is responsible for parking on campus

          • Decals

          • $50 one time charge for parking

          • Issuing tickets

        • Students concerned about a situation should call 229-732-5919

        • In an emergency, students should dial 911


Campus Health Resources

Physical Health

If your student gets sick, the college contracts with Teledoc, a company that offers both telephone and video technology to provide remote medical care.  Teledoc medical staff can even call in prescriptions.  In case of emergency, we do have a CareConnect office only steps away from our campus.  Medical Center Barbour is less than 27 miles away.  Their emergency room accepts most major medical insurance.


If you need to have a prescription filled while at Andrew, there is a chain pharmacy (CVS) in town and an independent pharmacy (Adams Family Pharmacy).

Mental Well Being

We recommend New Horizons Behavioral Health Services.  New Horizons provides face-to-face counseling and mental health services.  If your student would like to schedule an appointment with New Horizons, please have them contact the Office of Student Affairs.

New Horizons Behavioral Health Form

Spiritual Health

Because of our affiliation with the United Methodist Church, Andrew College is blessed to have a part-time campus chaplain who can provide pastoral counseling for students.  You can also learn more on our webpage at the Office of Religious Life.


Being a college athlete is a privilege as well as a commitment.  If your student is playing a sport, that means that you will have less available free time and a bit more structured daily schedule as they have to accommodate class time, meals, practices or games, study time, and free time.

Most practices during the season occur in the late afternoon.  Of course, this may vary by time of year and whether or not your sport has to share space with another sport (men’s and women’s basketball and volleyball all have to coordinate gym use, for instance).   Don’t worry. Their coach will let them know what time they are expected for practice.

It is expected that they will have to miss some class time because of games.  This again varies from sport to sport.  Since baseball plays the most games, they will generally miss the most classes.  Please keep in mind that some Andrew professors have an attendance policy.  This means that it is vitally important that students attend classes whenever they are not traveling for their sport.  If they have to miss a class for a game, it is good practice to let the professor know and for the student to make sure they handle any assignments, tests, etc.

Remember, the NJCAA does have academic requirements for a student to remain eligible to play, so their grades are important.

Most home games are streamed live over the Andrew College Athletic website:

Campus Life/Activities-Students Get Involved

Getting involved is a choice. If your student chooses to get out there, meet people and do things, they’ll find that there are plenty of ways to spend your leisure time at Andrew. However, whether they attend Andrew or any other college (large or small), if they choose to sit in their room by themselves, they’ll think there is nothing to do. Fortunately, getting involved at Andrew is easy. Here are some tips to tell your student:

Attend and participate in the fall orientation activities. Remember, everyone is new to the college experience and in the same boat. This gives them all something in common. It’s a great time to meet people from different places, have different interests, and maybe don’t see the world the same way they do.

Encourage them to not be “too cool for school,” as they used to say. They may miss out on some entertaining stuff.

Smile and actually say hello to people. Be inviting. Remember, other are other folks who feel the same way they do. Welcome them.

Go to some of the events put on by Student Affairs, whether it’s a movie, game night, or ping pong tournament.

College is also a great time to branch out and try things they have never done before. Join the Andrew Concert Singers, audition for a play, run for a student government office.  If they are not sure about something, invite someone else to go with them.

If they are on a team, they’ll have the advantage of a built-in group to hang out with… a lot. Encourage them to not limit themselves to just their teammates, however. Try to get them to get involved in at least one other thing outside sport.

Campus Dining at Turner Dining Hall (Sage Dining Services)

Our dining facilities are run by Sage Dining Services.  Additional grab-and-go items are available on the first floor of Old Main at Peg Leg Pete’s Diner.


Girls in room at Andrew College

Residential Life

For many students, this will be the first time they have shared a room (or even a bathroom) with someone else. Living with someone is all about communication and compromise. We strongly suggest that roommates be in touch prior to the beginning of the fall to coordinate such issues as who will bring what appliance. Roommates are urged to communicate regarding such issues as study styles, music, visitors, etc.

If there are issues that your student and their roommate cannot work out for themselves, we encourage students to speak first with their Resident Assistant (RA). An RA is a student living in their residence hall who has been specially trained to assist with roommate issues, ensure campus safety, and enforce school policies and rules. If the problem does not resolve itself, they may elect to speak with the Resident Director (RD) or other student life staff members, up to the Dean of Student Affairs.

Housing Assignments

New students will typically be notified of their housing assignment around the middle of July.  Typically, athletes will be placed together as roommates.  If your student has someone in mind they would like to have a roommate, both students would need to contact the Housing Office and request to be placed together.



Andrew College offers students free use of washers and dryers. Laundry facilities are located in each residence hall. Through the use of an App, students are notified when washing machines and dryers complete their cycle.


Each residence hall suite contains two rooms and one bathroom. Students are responsible for cleaning their own bathrooms. Room inspections are done several times each semester to make sure that, among other things, restrooms are being maintained. Students will need to bring a shower curtain. Basic cleaning supplies are available from the RA or students may elect to bring their own.


In Mitchell, Fort and Rhodes Halls, each suite comes with a flat-screen television set already in the room. There is also a flat-screen television in each of the four houses in the Patterson Quad.

Streaming Services

All residence hall televisions are either Smart TV’s or come with a Roku.  Residents can stream TV shows, sports, movies and enjoy other content, allowing them to watch television on their own terms.


The campus is equipped with wi-fi access. However, there are times when due to web traffic and/or building design, access is slower than normal. During these times, students may elect to plug into the live ports located in each residence hall room.

Housing Options

Housing Requirement

Generally, full-time traditional-age students at Andrew College are required to live on campus unless their full-time residence is within a 30 mile radius of the college.  Students must complete a housing exemption form if they wish to apply to exempt the residency requirement.  Approval or denial of this request will be handled by the Office of Student Affairs and their decision is final.

Andrew College currently offers 4 housing locations:

Mitchell Hall

Mitchell Hall is a two story men’s residence hall. Mitchell recently underwent a $700,000 renovation, updating the plumbing and electrical systems as well as the purchase of new furniture (including a wall-mounted television in each room). A deck was also added to the front of the building that is used for social events. The rooms are set up in two bedroom suites, with the residents of the two bedrooms sharing a bathroom.

Rhodes Hall

Rhodes is a two story men’s residence hall. In the summer of 2019, the bottom floor of Rhodes was renovated with updates to both the infrastructure and to the appearance of the dorm and the second floor was renovated in the summer of 2020. The rooms include updated furniture and a open style floor plan within the fist floor suites, offering students the opportunity to have separate sleeping and study areas. Each suite contains a bathroom as well as a large wall-mounted television.

Fort Hall

Fort is the main women’s residence hall. It is a three floor suite-style dorm containing a large commons area on the bottom floor that is used as an informal gathering place for students as well as a location for on-campus events (like movie nights).

Patterson Quad

Replacing Patterson Hall, which was torn down in 2019, the Patterson Quad offers four 8 person residential houses. Two of the houses are reserved for female residents and two serve as men’s residences. Each of the houses contains 4 bedroom (2 people to a room), two bathrooms, a living room (with couches and a wall-mounted television) and kitchen area with a full size refrigerator, microwave and small washer/dryer unit.

There is an additional charge for Patterson Quad housing. Please contact housing at if you are interested in living in the Patterson Quad.



Each student is issued a mailbox for the receipt of letters and packages. Mailboxes are located on the first floor of Old Main. If students receive a package, a slip is placed in their box and they will pick it up during regular mailroom hours, 1:00-4:00 pm Monday-Friday. Their mailbox number will be given to them during fall orientation.


All accepted students are issued an e-mail address. Their e-mail address appears on their acceptance letter. This is the main way that administrative offices will contact your student. Therefore, it is very important that your student check their e-mail on a regular basis.

IT does not have their email password but can reset their password.

Phone service

Verizon is currently the only carrier in the area that offers consistent service. Some students choose to get a pay-as-you-go phone from Verizon if they currently use another carrier. Students can also use wifi calling utilizing their current carrier.

Other Important Information Graphic

There are many things that can make parents feel overwhelmed during the transition to college.  Our goal is to keep you informed.  The section below includes tabs with important dates/schedules, financial information, and important terms.

Communication Links

Located below are some links and quick access tabs to help you find information quickly!


Andrew College Social Media Accounts


Have additional questions? We are here to help. Reach out to Student Affairs for more information.

Chicquan Cannon

Student Affairs

Dean of Student Affairs 

Jaleesa Richardson website photo

Jaleesa Richardson

Student Affairs

Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
